Yes, we got two weeks left before 2016 is over. When that number turns 2017, most people are like, meh. No big deal. We all have our favorite holiday (personally, mine is New Years) and Christmas happens to be the one for most. Bright lights, gift exchange, happy songs playing in the background, kids begging their parents to have a chat with Santa, I can see why Christmas is such a popular holiday. It’s just so cheery. Puts people in a good mood. December is also the month where social events are in abundance. Holiday party, friends dinner meet-up, family dinner, the list goes on in December. This is where the downward spiral starts. It only takes a few days of not doing anything and BAM! Back to square one. Well, not quite that bad, but you get the idea.
It’s not fair, but that’s just how it goes with fitness. Take a few days off and you lose ground. Especially if you go from working out 3-5 days a week to zero. Anything associated with ZERO is not good. Whether its not doing your homework, not working at all, or not paying attention to your trainer during demonstration (ahem*). People are tested when they are ALONE. There’s so many more hours in the day that you are NOT in the gym. What you do on your own will have a GREATER effect than when you are in front of people. Keep that in mind.
So be realistic in your approach to fitness. Is it realistic for you to avoid that delicious junk food year round? Well if you’re a sane person, you would have answered “HEEEEELLLLL NO.” Hah. Find that happy medium, where you’re not stressing out about making wrong decisions all the time. And even if you do, work hard so you can enjoy these types of things in life. Us trainers are human beings and we have cravings too. Don’t stress about finding the “perfect” diet because quite frankly, there isn’t one. Perfect means you can’t mess up at all. Again, AT ALL. Is that really what you want? There you go. The answer is clear. Find what works for you and improve upon it. Fixing bad habits is a process, so stay consistent in your progress, because it really is a marathon. If it were that easy, you would not be reading this blog. Just sayin………….Hope you liked this week’s blog, stay tuned for more next week. Merry X’Mas everybody!……………………..Kei