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Celebrate the small wins (8/31/16)

Numbers, numbers, numbers. I get it. You’re obsessed with what you want to see on the scale. Generally speaking, throughout my career as a personal trainer, clients pay the most attention to the number on the scale. I believe this is the case because it is MEASURABLE. You step on and BAM! Easy. However, I encourage clients that this isn’t the only thing that people should look at. Just understand that there’s more to it than that.

For one, how your clothes are fitting. Typically, you wear the same clothes or at least have somewhat of a rotation throughout the weekday. If they feel loose, then guess what, your body is getting tighter. This is a indication that you are toning. The unfortunate part is, you won’t see this on the scale and most times it is neglected. Pay attention to how your shirt, dress, tank top, sweater (maybe that one time it hits 60 or below in CA), jeans, shorts, leggings, are fitting.

Next is energy level. Doesn’t make any sense if your energy level is low and you already feel tired waking up when you know you slept enough hours, right? Exercising does help with stress levels. Work is stressful and if you don’t have a way to release tension, then your body is going to be tense. Upper back as hard as a rock, hips tight as a rhino, low back stiff as a koala (you get the point, hopefully). Our bodies are meant to move and sitting is not going to help. Exercising PROPERLY (*emphasis) will allow those neglected muscles to be activated so the overused muscles can relax. Also, may contribute in you sleeping better. This will lead to better quality rest, which will result in having more energy.

Last but not least, is strength. How much you have gotten stronger since you started. This is where a lot of details are lost. As simple as not being able to stand on one leg for one minute straight. The significance of this for us trainers is huge. From a client stand point; meh. People don’t realize how important it is to be able to stand on one leg and stabilize. There’s so many risks involved in not having balance, but that’s another topic. Or as simple as being able to lift heavier, no matter how much, just the fact that it’s more than before, is HUGE. That’s a clear indication that you have gotten stronger. So celebrate the small success in the journey. Don’t just look at one thing, look at the overall component ladies and gentlemen. Hope you liked this week’s blog, stay tuned for more next week. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!…………Kei

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