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Writer's pictureKei Hashimoto

2018 is going to be a year of…..

2018. It’s right around the corner from today (12/27) whether you like it or not ladies and gentlemen. With 2017 coming to a close, I like to reflect on what was accomplished within the year; personal and professional. As a business owner, I always think about how to grow our clientele and improve the client experience. In addition, there really is no days off when it comes to owning a business. Ask any business owner, he/she will tell you the same.

Even when I went to Japan last month, I was constantly checking the security cameras to make sure people came in, has become a natural habit of mine. I tend to focus 99% of my attention to the business owner aspect of myself and lose sight on growing. This has to change in 2018.

We can always improve in some way and it doesn’t have to be something groundbreaking, as long as it’s for the better. The one thing I want to improve is being there for my close ones, i.e. family, friends, significant other. My trip to Japan reminded me of how much I missed out in four years that I haven’t seen my grandmother. For years I kept saying, “I’m too busy working.” The direct translation of this was, “I’m too busy for my grandmother.” Yeah, it’s not acceptable and I know that.

So with this in mind, I know 2018 will be a year of reminders. Remind myself to give thanks to………remind myself to make time to attend my friend’s kid’s birthday………….remind myself that I have a healthy body……….remind myself to travel and enjoy the world.

What kind of year are you hoping 2018 will be? Feel free to comment back and let me know. Hope you enjoyed this week’s and LAST blog for 2017! Next week, new year. Reflect upon what you accomplished in 2017 and let’s make it happen in 2018!…………………………..Kei

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