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Summer prep routine

May gray is officially ending and we are on the verge of summer. That lovely California weather is coming. Sunny blue skies, mid-80’s weather, and long days. People wear less fabric and its time to show off your arms, right?

I start incorporating more cardio during this time of year with the intent of losing body fat. I accomplish this with running. In addition to the 3 times a week weight training, I run for about 30 minutes two time a week. I am not the type to drastically change my diet, so I usually increase my exercise to change my body.

Have your summer routine.

When the weather is nice like we have here in the South Bay, there are more chances that you are surrounded by health-conscious people. How can you not be influenced by the people that are older than you and look better, right? Females wear razorback shirts that show off their upper back and arms. Guys wear tank tops that show off their chest and arms. It’s a constant reminder to stay in shape or get there

I know ice cream tastes that much better in the summertime, so I know I need to increase my exercise. Have your summer routine ready ladies and gentlemen. If you do have one, what is your routine? Hope you enjoyed reading this week’s blog. Stay tuned for more next Wed……………..Kei

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