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That’s not good for you

Ever heard this from a friend or family? This could be from the style of workout, type of food, supplements you take, etc. The fitness industry is ever evolving. New research suggesting that certain exercises are more harmful than benefiting. Then we have the social media influence. “Oh, my favorite Instagrammer said that was not a good exercise.” There are millions of “experts” and with that amount of choices and differences in opinions, comes confusion. My experience and decisions are all based on field experience (training clients), personally experiencing it, and science background (I studied kinesiology). Here’s how I decide whether it’s not good or bad.

First, is common sense. Believe it not, this is overlooked. When they say there are no stupid questions, that’s a lie. Hah. At times, fitness is overcomplicated with the information that is out there. This is good, that is bad, it’s confusing, but trust your common sense.

Don’t compare apples to oranges.

Secondly, I know that there are many ways to achieve results. It’s not just one way to attain your ideal physique. When people say, “that’s not good for you,” it may be for someone else. For example, one of my clients said she didn’t want to do deadlifts because one of her friends said it was not a good exercise. I said that’s fine, but as time went on and I explained the importance of hip hinging throughout the movement and emphasizing using the glutes and hamstring, she started to understand how it can benefit her. On the other hand, if a client weren’t able to bend properly, then I would say that deadlifts aren’t good for him or her. Don’t compare apples to oranges.

So next time you decide to judge whether an exercise or food is not good, take the time to research before you say anything. Keep in mind that the fitness industry is always changing and things that we believe are good may not be in the future. Hope you enjoyed this week’s blog. Stay tuned for more next Wed……………Kei

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