A colorful plate is the way to go
This is what I always tell my clients. Make sure your plate is colorful. Colors equal vegetables. Green onions, yams, tomatoes, garlic,...
A colorful plate is the way to go
Do I need to increase my activity?
5-min mile average for a marathon?
Rookie mistake #1: forgetting shoes
3 body weight exercises for total body strength
Differentiate BURN vs. PAIN
Overloading isn’t the way
Spot reduction (my take)
Exercise mistake #1: not willing to be challenged
Exercise priority: full range of motion
Don’t underestimate the basics: Planks
Bad posture?
Don’t procrastinate in fitness
Exercise checklist
2019: Every year is a new year
Stop the domino
Not losing weight? The danger of inactivity
Importance of biomechanics
Why do I need to be athletic?
Extreme gluttony
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